Operation Keppel update - 28 October 2022

Year: Status:

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has decided to engage the Hon Ruth McColl AO SC under section 104B of the ICAC Act when her appointment as Assistant Commissioner concludes on 31 October 2022. This decision has been taken in consultation with Ms McColl.

Ms McColl’s services are required for the purposes of her finalising the Operation Keppel report, including participating in the review and editing processes of that report.

The Commission is conscious of its obligations under section 74(7) of the ICAC Act to furnish investigation reports as soon as possible after it has concluded its involvement in a matter.

The Commission will not be making further comment at this stage.

Media Releases

Statement regarding investigation into Greyhound Racing NSW Board

14 Feb 2025

The NSW ICAC has concluded an investigation into the Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW) Board.

Meet the NSW ICAC Chief Commissioner in Broken Hill at the Western region rural and regional outreach visit next week

11 Feb 2025

The NSW ICAC's Chief Commissioner, the Hon John Hatzistergos AM, will host a public forum in Broken Hill next Thursday (20 February) as part of the Commission’s Western rural and regional outreach program visit to the city.

ICAC keen to meet Dubbo community at Western region rural and regional outreach visit next week

3 Feb 2025

The ICAC is keen to meet members of the local community when it heads to Dubbo this month, where it will hold a combined public and community leaders’ forum on Thursday, 13 February.

Decision on referral of the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on the proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse "Proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse Report 2"

19 Dec 2024

The NSW ICAC has assessed the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee on the proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse’s "Proposal to develop Rosehill Racecourse Report 2".

ICAC finds former Canterbury-Bankstown Council manager and contractor friend corrupt

5 Dec 2024

The ICAC has found that a former Canterbury-Bankstown Council manager corruptly received about $208,000 in benefits from a close friend, a Council contractor whose business reaped more than $4.5 million in gross profit after the manager favoured it in a recruitment scheme to provide contract workers to Council.


The witness list will be available prior to the commencement of the enquiry.

Download the Witness List


View all transcripts associated with this investigation. The Commission makes every effort to post the daily transcripts of its public inquiries on its website by 8:00 pm each day when possible. If the Commission sits later than 4:00 pm, the daily transcripts, particularly the afternoon session, may not be available until the next working day.

Transcripts will be available once the enquiry has commenced.

Filename Size KB Date pp. Time
FORM - application for access to ICAC restricted web site 149
Investigation into the possession and supply of steroids and other matters involving a corrections officer (Sept 2013)(Op Torino) 4938
Op_Torino_fact_sheet 32
Investigation into allegations of corrupt conduct in the provision of security products and services (Operation Tilga)(Sept 2013) 5040
Op_Tilga_fact_sheet 39
Full paper- Managing IT contractors, improving IT outcomes 7707
Investigation into allegations that a Manager at the UTS solicited and accepted money, gifts and other benefits from UTS contractors (Stark)(Mar 2013) 2162
Op_Stark_Fact_sheet 39
Investigation into the smuggling of contraband into the Metropolitan Special Programs Centre at the Long Bay Correctional Complex (Operation Drake)(January 2013) 3758
Operation_Drake_fact_sheet 118
Funding NGO delivery of human services in NSW - A period of transition - position paper 1779 18/12/12
ICAC_Annual_Report_2011-12 9402
Funding NGO delivery of human services in NSW - A period of transition - consultation paper 7692 28/08/12
Anti-corruption_safeguards_and_the_NSW_planning_system_2012_c_ 2140
Fact_sheet_Operation_Vesta 87
Fact_sheet_Operation_Napier 88
Fact_sheet_Operation_Carina 84
Annual Report 2010-11 5529
Fact_sheet_Operation_Charity 27
Corruption risks in NSW Government - Suppliers perception of corruption - (June 2011) 8219
Corruption risks in NSW Government - Recommendations to government - (June 2011) 7346
Operation_Churchill_fact_sheet 91
Fact_sheet_Operation_Danby 83
Fact_sheet_Operation_Magnus 129
Investigation into the acceptance of corrupt benefits by a City of Canada Bay council employee (Operation Challenger)(December 2010) 2740
Fact Sheet Operation Challenger 84
Investigation Report_(Operation_Syracuse)_(December_2010) 2891
Fact_sheet_Operation_Syracuse 166
Investigation into corruption risks involved in lobbying (Operation Halifax) 3003
Fact Sheet Operation Halifax 86
ICAC_Annual_Report_2009-2010 14859
Investigation into undisclosed conflicts of interest of a University of Sydney employee (Operation Kanda) 5114
Fact Sheet Operation Kanda 27
Investigation into the misuse of resources by a NSW Maritime Legal Services Branch officer (Operation Vargus) 4680
Fact Sheet Operation Vargas 36
Investigation into attempted corrupt payment and submission of false resumes to public authorities 3478
Fact sheet Operation Avoca 85
Investigation into the smuggling of contraband into the John Morony Correctional Centre (Operation Cicero) 1563
Cicero_Fact_Sheet 85
Investigation false claims for Sitting Day Relief payments by a NSW MP, members of her electorate staff- Operation Corinth (July 2010) 2296
Fact Sheet Operation Corinth 87
Community_attitudes_to_corruption_and_the_ICAC_-_Report_on_the_2009_survey_(June_2010) 6244
Report on the use of TAFE funds to pay for work on a dog kennel complex 2912
Fact Sheet Operation Corsair 90
Investigation into a Housing NSW officer’s failure to declare conflicts of interest and secondary employment (Operation Coral)_May2010 4811
Coral_Fact_Sheet_3_ 139
Investigation into the offer of a corrupt payment to an officer of Strathfield Municipal Council (Operation Centurion) (May 2010) 4626
Fact Sheet Operation Centurion 96
Profiling_the_NSW_public_sector_-_Report_3_-_May_2010 1397
Investigation into allegations of corruption made by or attributed to Michael McGurk (Operation Calpurnia) (March 2010) 1160
Fact Sheet Operation Calpurnia 92
Report on corrupt conduct affecting the administration of justice in the Wagga Wagga and other local court areas (Operation Segomo) 2995
Fact Sheet Operations Segomo 103
Investigation into the conduct of a regional illegal dumping squad officer and others (Operation Scania) 83364
Investigation_into_the_conduct_of_a_Casino_Boolangle_Local_Aboriginal_Land_Council_CEO_and_administrative_officer_Nestor_23Feb2017 902
Fact_sheet_Operation_Nestor 29
Table_of_corrupt_conduct_findings_and_prosecution_recommendations 20
ICAC_Annual_Report_2007--08 1855
Investigation into the conduct of a former chief executive officer and members of the board of the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council (Operation Greer) 1767
Fact_sheet_Operation_Greer 34
Investigation into the conduct of a senior officer of the NSW department of justice and others (Operation Yancey) 911
Fact Sheet Operation Yancey 40
Investigation into NSW Liberal Party electoral funding for the 2011 state election campaign and other matters (Operation Spicer) 16689
Fact Sheet Operation Spicer 36
Annual_Report_2008-09 7020
Profiling_the_NSW_public_sector_II_-_Report_1_-_Results_for_the_NSW_public_sector_(May_2009) 1944
Profiling_the_NSW_public_sector_II_-_Report_2_-_Comparison_of_2001_and_2007_organisation_responses_(May_2009) 1660
Profiling_the_NSW_public_sector_II_-_methodology_and_respondent_demographics_(May_2009) 917
Lobbying_local_government_councillors_-_a_guide_for_councillors,_constituents_and_other_interested_parties 222
Strengthening employment screening practices in the NSW public sector 6817 26/02/18
Controlling corruption opportunities in the provision of maintenance services 6292 02/02/17
Anti-corruption safeguards and the NSW planning system 2140 15/02/12
Introducing the ICAC - Assyrian 504
Governance and Regulation in the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Network 8545 15/05/17
Communicating anti-corruption messages in community languages - Guidelines for NSW local councils 7569 15/09/10
Community Attitudes Survey - Report on 2012 survey 6380 15/07/13
Community Attitudes Survey - Report on the 2015 survey 8084 22/06/16
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1994 1695 01/05/95
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1995 1616 01/03/96
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1996 1760 01/05/97
Community attitudes to Corruption and the ICAC public attitudes survey 1993 246 01/03/94
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC Report on the 2006 survey 764 19/12/06
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 674 22/12/03
Corruption risks in NSW development approval processes - Position paper 633 04/09/07
Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - Recommendations to government 7346 14/07/11
Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - Suppliers perception of corruption 8219 14/07/11
Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - The management challenge 1326 14/12/11
Development assessment internal audit tool 5773 21/04/10
Direct negotiations - guidelines for managing risks in direct negotiations 6529 23/08/18
Use and misuse of public sector resources - Tip sheet for managers 412 12/02/08
Election Funding Expenditure and disclosure in NSW - Strengthening accountability and transparency 1401 17/12/14
Use and misuse of public sector resources - Tip sheet for employees 251 12/02/08
Factfinder - A guide to conducting internal investigations 1146 21/04/22
Unravelling Corruption II Exploring changes in the Public Sector Perspective 1993-1999 7043 01/04/01
The exercise of discretion under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 7467 09/12/10
ICAC Scholarship and Course participant application form May 2019 297 27/05/19
Keeping it together - systems and structures in organisational change 6413 14/03/17
Sponsorship in the public sector 443 14/06/06
LALC Member Governance Flyer - Help make your LALC strong 134 03/11/11
Safeguarding public money The importance of controlling invoice payments 1387 19/11/14
Learning the hard way - managing corruption risks associated with international students 1988 15/04/15
Lobbying in NSW - an issues paper on the nature and management of lobbying in NSW 1825 18/05/10
Lobbying local government councillors 222 28/08/06
Managing IT contractors, improving IT outcomes 7707 20/08/13
Profiling the NSW public sector - functions, risks and corruption resistance strategies 62 28/07/05
Minimising corruption risks in land dealings - Guide for Local Aboriginal Land Councils 385 01/03/10
Monitoring cash handling in public hospitals 1527 01/08/94
Profiling the NSW public sector - functions, risks and corruption resistance strategies 3696 01/02/03
Profiling the NSW public sector II - Report 2 Comparison of 2001 and 2007 organisation 1660 16/06/09
Profiling the NSW public sector - Report 3 1397 11/05/10
Profiling the NSW public sector II - Report 1 - Results for the NSW public sector as a whole 1944 19/05/09
Profiling the NSW public sector 2007 - functions, risks and corruption prevention strategics 460 19/05/09
Profiling the NSW public sector 2007 - Understanding and managing corruption risks - Staff survey 354 19/05/09
Fact sheet Acknowledging your information 1369 04/11/15
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Arabic 234 01/06/16
Fact sheet Acknowledging your section 11 report 317 10/11/15
Strategic responses to corruption 11-14 September 2018 1052
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Assyrian 509 01/06/16
Fact sheet Blowing the whistle 1381 04/11/15
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Bengali 515 01/06/16
Fact sheet - Explaining the ICAC's decision 1993 30/05/19
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Chinese 512 01/06/16
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Dari 749 01/06/16
Providing advice on corruption issues A guide for community leaders (November 2015) 240 02/11/15
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Indonesian 505 01/06/16
Section 11 report guidelines for principal officers 312 23/10/23
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Korean 444 01/06/16
Section 11 reporting guidelines for ministers 304 01/08/23
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Nepali 469 01/06/16
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Persian 583 01/06/16
Section 11 reporting template 105 29/09/14
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Russian 520 01/06/16
Section 54 report guidelines 306 10/11/15
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Urdu 593 01/06/16
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Vietnamese 263 01/06/16
Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC English 1349 02/11/15
Annual Report 1993-1994 5508 31/10/94
Annual Report 2002-2003 1920 31/10/03
Annual Report 2003-2004 5063 28/10/04
Annual Report 2004-2005 3196 31/10/05
Annual Report 2005-2006 7265 31/10/06
Annual Report 2006-2007 3258 25/10/07
Annual Report 2007-2008 1855 30/10/08
Annual Report 2008-2009 7020 04/11/09
Annual Report 2009-2010 14859 26/10/10
Introducing the ICAC Arabic 227 01/06/16
Annual Report 2010-2011 5529 28/10/11
Annual Report 2011-2012 9402 18/10/12
Annual Report 2013-2014 2377 22/10/14
Annual report 2014-2015 4775 13/10/15
Annual Report 2015 -2016 4825 26/10/16
Introducing the ICAC Bengali 621 01/06/16
Annual Report 2000-2001 2294 29/10/01
Introducing the ICAC Chinese 488 01/06/16
Introducing the ICAC Dari 839 01/06/16
Annual Report 1988-1989 4264 01/11/89
Annual Report 1989-1990 8237 01/06/90
Annual Report 1990-1991 7917 01/09/91
Annual Report 1991-1992 8286 01/09/92
Annual Report 1992-1993 1673 01/09/93
Annual Report 1994-1995 5682 01/10/95
Annual Report 1995-1996 12061 01/10/96
Introducing the ICAC Indonesian 340 01/06/16
Introducing the ICAC Korean 516 01/06/16
Annual Report 1996-1997 21469 01/10/97
Introducing the ICAC Nepali 439 01/06/16
Annual Report 1997-1998 1056 01/10/98
Introducing the ICAC Persian 796 01/06/16
Introducing the ICAC Russian 596 01/06/16
Annual Report 1998-1999 1394 01/10/99
Introducing the ICAC Urdu 587 01/06/16
Annual Report 1999-2000 18178 05/11/00
Introducing the ICAC Vietnamese 253 01/06/16
Annual Report 2001-2002 1660 28/10/02
Annual Report 2012-2013 5094 30/10/13
Annual Report 2016-2017 3662 19/10/17
Introducing the ICAC English 1201 02/11/15
Applicant Information Package 512 17/03/22
ICAC Code of Conduct 2298 03/07/18
Privacy Management Plan.pdf 363 21/03/13
NSW ICAC statement of business ethics 181 01/11/24
ICAC Information Guide 79 12/05/21
Introducing the NSW ICAC - A guide for NSW public officials 1350 02/11/15
Submission to the Premier May 2016.pdf 231 23/05/16
ICAC Award 2022 415 01/08/22
Corruption Matters - Issue 20 343
Corruption Matters - Issue 21 307
Corruption Matters - Issue 22 3110
Corruption Matters - Issue 23 408
Corruption Matters - Issue 24 477
Corruption Matters - Issue 25 1697
Corruption Matters - Issue 26 3131
Corruption Matters - Issue 27 320
Corruption Matters - Issue 28 2301
Corruption Matters - Issue 29 1614
Corruption Matters - Issue 30 619
Corruption Matters - Issue 31 503
Corruption Matters - Issue 32 617
Corruption Matters - Issue 33 887
Corruption Matters - Issue 34 1936
Corruption Matters - Issue 35 681
Corruption Matters - Issue 36 739
Corruption Matters - Issue 37 716
Corruption Matters - Issue 38 2101
Corruption Matters - Issue 39 - May 2012 312
Corruption Matters - Issue 40 - November 2012 1336
Corruption Matters - Issue 42 - November 2013 851
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC Report on the 2006 survey 764
Profiling the NSW Public Sector Functions, risks and corruption resistance strategies 3696
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 674
Profiling the NSW public sector functions risks and corruption resistance strategies, Report on follow up research conducted in 2004 62
Unravelling Corruption II Exploring changes in the Public Sector Perspective 1993-1999 7043
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1996 1760
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1995 1616
Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1994 1695
Community attitudes to Corruption and the ICAC, ICAC public attitudes survey 1993 246
Profiling the NSW Public Sector 2007 Functions risks and corruption prevention strategies Organisational survey 460
Profiling the NSW public sector II Report 2 Comparison of 2001 and 2007 organisation responses 1660
Profiling the NSW Public Sector 2007 Understanding and managing corruption risks 354
Profiling the NSW public sector II Methodology and respondent demographics 917
Profiling the NSW public sector II Report 1 Results for the NSW public sector as a whole 1944
Report of suspected corrupt conduct under s. 11 ICAC Act - word form 47
Report of suspected corrupt conduct under s. 11 ICAC Act - pdf form 672
ICAC_Org_Chart_Overview_30Apr20 135
Annual Report 2017-2018 4744 05/10/18
Joint Communique from Australia's anti-corruption Commissioners _United against corruption - Leadership is the key to corruption prevention_7 December 2018.pdf 347 07/12/18
Corruption and integrity in the NSW public sector - an assessment of current trends and events 4676 04/12/18
Corruption-Matters-31_May-2008 503
Corruption-matters-42_November-2013 851
NSW ICAC Transcript Services RFT 2019 336 01/04/19
Pelican mineral water test 146
test doc 1 14
Managing conflicts of interest in the nsw public sector April 2019 6282 30/04/19
PD - Investigation - Senior Forensic Accountant - May 2019 133
Senior Forensic Accountant - SC May 2019 16
ANZSOG Executive Endorsement form 2019 45 27/05/19
GIPA Access Application 57 27/08/18
PD-Investigation Division - Senior Technical Officer - July 2019 26
Senior Technical Surveillance Operative SC 2019 18
Support Officer - Associate SC August 2019 51
Support Officer_Associate PD 52
Support Officer - Receptionist SC August 2019 40
Support Officer_Receptionist PD 53
Operation Eclipse: Lobbying, access and influence in NSW - an interim paper 292 17/10/19
ICAC Annual Report 2018-19 4030 18/10/19
Sample conflict of interest policy for NSW public sector agencies 121 07/01/20
NSW ICAC COVID19 Advice 275 02/04/20
NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Special Report - The need for a new independent funding model for the ICAC (May 2020 - Section 75 report) 2034 13/05/20
Supplier Due Diligence a guide for NSW public sector agencies (June2020) 7855 17/06/20
Dealing with Corruption, Fraud and the ICAC: the role of public sector Audit and Risk Committees 242 09/09/20
ICAC Annual Report 2019-20 4373 27/10/20
NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Special Report No. 2 - A parliamentary solution to a funding model for the ICAC (November 2020 - Section 75 report) 303 06/11/20
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy guidance 199 11/01/21
Sample fraud and corruption control policy 35 11/01/21
Witness list 11
Gifts and benefits flowchart 196 12/07/21
Probity in Procurement - tips from a professional 216 08/09/21
ICAC Annual Report 2020-21 5711 29/10/21
Dealing with incumbent providers in procurement 199 23/11/21
Obtaining independent advice - dos and donts 203 02/12/21
Section 11 Tip Sheet principal for officers 236 01/08/23
ARC Internal Audit and Risk Committee Charter - 2021-22 5300
ICAC Internal Audit Charter 21-22 3879
ICAC Internal Audit Request for Tender - 14 March 2022 497 14/03/22
Policy 81 Risk Management - August 2020 177 14/03/22
NSW ICAC RFT for Internal Audit Services Questions and Answers.pdf 82
Factfinder: a guide to conducting internal investigations 1143 21/04/22
Factfinder: a guide to conducting internal investigations - standard 1146 21/04/22
On The Ethics of Pork-Barrelling - Simon Longstaff 206
Some legal implications of pork barrelling - Joseph Campbell 1259
Some legal implications of pork barrelling - Joseph Campbell - Index 200
When is pork barrelling corruption and what can be done to avert it - Anne Twomey 497
Transcript - Forum on Pork Barrelling - 3 June 2022.pdf 433
ICAC Information Guide 2023-24.pdf 217
Report on investigation into pork barrelling in NSW (Operation Jersey) 5581 01/08/22
NSW ICAC submission to the Parliament of Victoria Integrity and Oversight Committee 799 01/04/22
Financial Accountant Position Description - September 2022 117
Selection Criteria Financial Accountant 2022 97
Probity aspects of ethics walls: guidance for dealing with commercial activities and other complex scenarios (October 2022) 211
ICAC Annual Report 2021-22 4161 31/10/22
Integrity issues relating to the state election letter - November 2022 222 07/11/22
ICAC and ICAC Inspector MOU - September 2022 166
Managing corruption risks in regulatory work (November 2022) 6423 22/11/22
LETTER to PWC.docx.pdf 179
Managing Conflicts of Interest - a Tip Sheet for Local Aboriginal Land Councils - Dec22 319 08/12/22
Best Practice Principles for Australian Anti-Corruption Commissions - 9Dec22 334
Media Release 12 Best Practice Principles Australian Anti-Corruption Commissions - 9Dec22 250
NSW ICAC and Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) - MOU - January 2023 876 19/01/23
ICAC Strategic Plan 2022-25 358 03/02/23
ICAC Strategic Plan 2022-25: Our directions 88 03/02/23
IT Operations Lead -Selection Criteria_Jan23 99
PD - IT Operations Lead - July 2022 102
Selection Criteria Senior Investigator Jan23 116
PD - Senior Investigator Jan23 114
Assessing Corruption Control Maturity 6539 20/02/23
Action Plan - NSW Government 286
Action Plan - NSW Procurement Board 146
NSW ICAC Operation Jersey Recommendations for Corruption Prevention 183
Mature corruption control: the key outcomes of better practice (March 2023) 213 13/03/23
MOU - LECC and ICAC_June 2023 2269 05/06/23
MOU - NSW Parliament and ICAC - 2009 502
NSW ICAC External Public Interest Disclosure Policy_Oct 2023_FIN.pdf 2574
NSW ICAC Internal Public Interest Disclosure Policy_Oct 2023_FIN.pdf 433
Corruption risks associated with supplier panels (October 2023) 243 04/10/23
12 month progress report - NSW Government - Operation Jersey 900 18/10/23
ICAC Annual Report 2022-23 5723 30/10/23
Fraud and corruption control evaluating compliance and its drivers (November 2023) 6108 16/11/23
NSW ICAC Data Breach Policy_November 2023_FINAL.pdf 556
Position Description - Manager ISS October 2023 123
Advert - Manager ISS January 2024 22
Managing conflicts of duties in the NSW public sector (January 2024) 235 17/01/24
Annotated Code of Conduct for Members a guide for members of NSW Parliament (January 2024) 6435 24/01/24
14th NIS Call for speakers guidelines 1137
Common forms of corrupt conduct - risks faced by NSW public sector agencies (June 2024) 2058 11/06/24
Guidance for councillors on corruption risks associated with overseas travel 204 14/06/24
Fundamental Principles of Australian Anti-Corruption Commissions.pdf 319
When do relationships amount to a conflict of interest? Chief Commissioner speech - APSACC 2024 993 02/08/24
ICAC Application Guide 170
Annotated NSW Ministerial Code of Conduct: a guide for NSW ministers and parliamentary secretaries (October 2024) 6874 28/10/24
NSW ICAC Annual Report 2023-24 3918 30/10/24
Letter to the Hon Scott Farlow MLC.pdf 201
Report 450
WITNESS LIST week of 8 Apr 19 11
Information for Witnesses Brochure_January 2025.pdf 2659 04/04/24
Section 31B guidelines 169
Standard directions for public inquiries_January 2025.pdf 222
ICAC prosecution outcomes_web table_6 February 2025_FIN.pdf 258 11/09/24
ICAC Cooperation Policy 191 22/09/23
Operation Aero - Opening Statement.pdf 196
Legal Representatives Parking Expenses Claim Form 135 16/09/20
Public Inquiry Protocol - September 2023 271 18/09/23
Protocol for management of material in contravention of s 7 SDA_FIN.pdf 267
Witness Liaison Officer - June 2024.pdf 766 14/05/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Arabic 178 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Dari - Sep24 175 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Simplified Chinese - Sep24 201 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Traditional Chinese - Sep24 282 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Filipino - Sep24 107 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Hindi - Sep24 180 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Korean - Sep24 177 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Persian - Sep24 179 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer - Vietnamese - Sep24 158 25/09/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Assyrian 865 23/10/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Bengali 729 23/10/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Indonesian 525 23/10/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Nepali 555 23/10/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Russian 515 23/10/24
Witness Liaison Officer- Urdu 467 23/10/24

Exhibits will be available once the enquiry commences.

Public notices

Operation Mantis public notice

14 May 2024

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations concerning former Canterbury-Bankstown Council (“council”) employee Benjamin Webb, former council contractor Pietro Cossu and others (Operation Mantis).

Operation Hector public notice

2 Mar 2023

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry starting Monday 20 March 2023 as part of an investigation it is conducting concerning the conduct of employees of Inner West Council (IWC), Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and others (Operation Hector).

Operation Galley public notice

25 May 2022

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry starting Tuesday 14 June 2022 as part of an investigation it is conducting concerning the conduct of former Georges River Council (GRC) and Hurstville City Council (HCC) Councillors, Constantine Hindi and Vincenzo (Vince) Badalati, and then HCC Councillor Philip Sansom (Operation Galley).

Operation Tolosa public notice

6 Apr 2022

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry starting Tuesday 26 April 2022 as part of an investigation it is conducting concerning the conduct of City of Canada Bay Mayor, Councillor Angelo Tsirekas, and others (Operation Tolosa).

Operation Paragon public notice

22 Apr 2021

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry as part of an investigation it is conducting into an allegation concerning former Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) employees Alexandre Dubois and Craig Steyn (Operation Paragon).

Operation Witney public notice

3 Mar 2021

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations concerning the State Member for Drummoyne, the Hon John Sidoti MP.

Operation Keppel public notice

1 Sep 2020

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations the former NSW Member of Parliament for Wagga Wagga, Mr Daryl Maguire.

Operation Aero public notice

31 Jul 2019

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations concerning political donations, the NSW Branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), members of Chinese Friends of Labor and others.

Operation Eclipse public notice

18 Jul 2019

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will conduct a public inquiry as part of a new investigation it is conducting into the regulation of lobbying, access and influence in NSW (Operation Eclipse).

Operation Ember public notice

30 Apr 2019

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations concerning two Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) employees and how they exercised their official functions when awarding contracts.