How and what to report

The ICAC encourages members of the public and public officials to report suspected corrupt conduct involving or affecting the NSW public sector. Timely reporting helps the ICAC and public agencies to deal effectively with corrupt conduct and prevent future corruption.

Anyone can report corrupt conduct allegations to the ICAC. NSW public officials and others who report "serious wrongdoing" to the ICAC may want to check the protections that may be afforded under the provisions of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022.

Enquiries and reports regarding suspected corrupt conduct can be made to the ICAC by:

  • telephone on 02 8281 5999 or free call 1800 463 909 (callers outside Sydney)
  • writing to GPO Box 500 Sydney NSW 2001 or faxing 02 9264 5364
  • online by clicking on this link
  • email at [email protected]

Before making a complaint regarding suspected corrupt conduct, confirm that the matter falls within the ICAC's jurisdiction. More details about the definition of corrupt conduct are found in the About corruption section.

View the ICAC's video on How to report corrupt conduct for further information. 

Checklist for reporting suspected corrupt conduct

The checklist below ensures that sufficient information is submitted for the ICAC to decide on action to take.

1. Name and contact details (optional) 
Anyone is entitled to make an anonymous complaint but this may affect the effectiveness of the investigation, as the ICAC may need to verify matters, or obtain further details that can be difficult without contact information. In addition, the ICAC will not be able to advise the complainant of any decisions or action on the matter. 

2. Names of NSW agencies and public sector officials involved
Provide the names and positions of the officials involved if known.

3. How you became aware of the matter
Include any relevant dates and the name and position of any person with whom you interacted or observed.

4. A summary of the matter
Include names, any relevant dates, locations and all other relevant information.

5. Other people aware of the matter
Include the names and contact details of other people who may be able to assist the ICAC.

6. Other organisations contacted
Provide the names of any organisations or regulators that the matter was reported to, the date of contact and their response.

7. Documentary evidence
Include details on any relevant documents or other information that may help the ICAC in its assessment. The actual documentation does not need to be included in the report.

8. Private citizens and companies involved
Provide the names, contact details and participation of private citizens and companies involved.

9. Consent to disclose identity (optional)
If the ICAC refers the complaint to another agency or decides to investigate, the complainant may need to be identified as the source of information. Please note that while the ICAC will regard any wishes for the identity to be kept confidential, if it is in the public interest to do so, the ICAC may disclose this information to another agency.