Governance resources and guides from central agencies

General governance

Governance lighthouse – Strategic early warning system (Audit Office of NSW)

This guide provides a framework for establishing good governance within NSW public sector agencies and local government, informed by private and public sector governance standards.


Risk management and audit

Risk management maturity assessment tool (Audit Office of NSW)

This toolkit is based on international standards as well as NSW policy requirements. It provides a table that allows organisations to gauge the maturity of their risk management system.

Treasury risk maturity assessment tool guidance paper (TPP20-06) (NSW Treasury)

Together, the guidance paper and tools are designed to allow NSW public sector agencies to comprehensively gauge their risk management maturity, identify areas to improve, and communicate results to both leadership teams and audit and risk committees.

Internal audit and risk management policy for the general government sector (TPP20-08) (NSW Treasury)

This policy assists NSW public sector agencies to fulfill their legislative obligations under the Government Sector Finance Act 2018. It outlines minimum standards for risk management, internal audit, and audit and risk committees (ARCs). The policy should be read alongside the other policy and guideline papers that apply to internal audit and risk management, including the Risk management toolkit for the NSW public sector (TPP12-03).

Draft guidelines for risk management and internal audit for local government in NSW (Office of Local Government NSW)

Amendments are currently being made to the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 to require all councils and joint organisations to have a risk management framework and an internal audit function, and to prescribe membership requirements for audit risk and improvement committees. Councils and joint organisations will be required to comply with these requirements from 1 July 2024.


Fraud and corruption

TC18-02 NSW fraud and corruption control policy (NSW Treasury)

This document is a circular directing all NSW public sector agencies, under the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, to develop, implement and maintain a fraud corruption control framework.

Fraud control improvement kit: Managing your fraud control obligations (Audit Office of NSW)

This publication is designed to help organisations meet the challenge of implementing an effective fraud control framework with due regard to cultural elements.


Complaints and reporting

Complaint handling (NSW Ombudsman)

This publication is a comprehensive suite of resources covering better practice complaints handling. It includes model policies and guidelines on how to manage problematic issues related to complaint handling.

Public interest disclosures (NSW Ombudsman)

This is a suite of resources covering the management of public interest disclosures in NSW public sector agencies. It includes model policies, templates and guidelines.


Program evaluation

Evaluation toolkit (NSW Premier’s Department)

The Evaluation toolkit provides advice and resources for government agencies planning to implement the NSW Government program evaluation guidelines. It is organised by the seven steps of planning and implementing a program evaluation project.


Elected officials

Education and guidance (NSW Electoral Commission)

This is a link to a range of guidance material for those wishing to participate in the electoral process.

Ministers' Office Handbook (NSW Cabinet Office)

The Ministers’ Office Handbook provides policy and practice information for ministers and their staff regarding ministerial employment and office management arrangements.



Public sector ethics

Behaving ethically: A guide for NSW government sector employees 2022 (NSW Public Service Commission)

This guide provides examples, tools and templates to help NSW public sector agencies implement ethical controls that support the implementation of the NSW public sector ethics framework.

The code of ethics and conduct for NSW government sector employees (NSW Public Service Commission)

This is the model Public Service Commission code to be enforced by each government sector agency. A new code came into effect from 1 November 2024.



Public sector recruitment

Recruitment and selection guide (NSW Public Service Commission)

Organised around five areas of the recruitment process, this online resource is designed to help NSW public sector recruiters design consistent and equitable recruitment processes aligned with legal requirements.

Guidelines on the recruitment of senior council executives (Office of Local Government NSW)

These guidelines are designed to ensure councils have appropriate systems and recruitment practices in place to address the corruption risks associated with the recruitment of senior council executives. They are informed by the corruption prevention recommendations made by the Commission in its Operation Dasha investigation report.



Information security

Essential guidance toolkit on information access and privacy fundamentals – for agencies (Information and Privacy Commission NSW)

Essential guidance toolkit on information access and privacy fundamentals – Local Government (Information and Privacy Commission NSW)

These are toolkits to support NSW public authorities to meet their requirements under NSW information access and privacy legislation. They are arranged on a functional basis that reflects agency, senior executive and decision-maker responsibilities. Other resources on specific areas are available here.




Records management assessment tool (State Records NSW)

This tool enables public offices to assess the maturity of their records and information management with a focus on how these practices align with requirements in the State Records Act 1998. It also highlights the links between records management and regulations for cyber security, privacy, data sharing, open data and information access.




Grants administration guide (The Cabinet Office)

This guide aims to harmonise grants administration processes across government and ensure that the key probity principles are delivered. Given the guide is issued under a Premier’s Memorandum, it is mandatory.





Buy.nsw provides procurement information advice to NSW public sector agencies, which includes guidance and training material, procurement policies, and contracts and schemes.

Tendering guidelines for NSW local government (Office of Local Government NSW)

This guide was prepared by the then Division of Local Government in 2009 and brings together tendering good practice relevant to NSW local government for the benefit of councillors, council staff and business. It includes guidance on tender principles and management, the tender process and tender tools/checklists.