Operation Eclipse - interim paper

Operation Eclipse: Lobbying, access and influence in NSW - an interim paper.

October 2019

The NSW ICAC is conducting a public inquiry (Operation Eclipse) into lobbying, access and influence in NSW. Among other issues, the Commission will examine whether risks and undue influence or corruption exists in lobbying and, if so, in what circumstances, and whether any such risks can be satisfactorily managed and eliminated.

This interim paper is intended to update interested parties on the Commission’s public inquiry and provide information on specific issues that will be explored during phase 2 of the public inquiry, commencing 21 October 2019, and to seek further feedback from interested parties.

This paper also includes comments and observations concerning the nature of corrupt conduct as it might apply to lobbying in NSW.

Download Operation Eclipse: Lobbying, access and influence in NSW - an interim paper (PDF 293kb).