Factfinder: An introduction into fact-finding investigations

A workshop for public officials with little or no investigative experience who may be required to conduct an internal fact-finding investigation. It focuses on the basics of how a complaint or allegations of staff wrongdoing, including misconduct or corrupt conduct, should be conducted.

Who should attend?

  • managers in state government and local councils who may be asked to conduct an inquiry and who have limited experience in the inquiry process
  • finance managers
  • human resource managers
  • administration managers
  • internal auditors
  • audit committee members
  • public interest disclosures officers and coordinators.

Note: This is an introductory level workshop for people with little or no investigative experience. It is not suitable for experienced investigators.

Learning outcomes

Participants will:

  • become aware of the principles that underpin investigations, including confidentiality and procedural fairness
  • learn how to plan, conduct and conclude an investigation
  • become aware of different sources of evidence and how to appropriately handle and document evidence
  • learn how to ask suitable questions
  • learn how to draft an investigation report.

Workshop outline

  • understanding the inquiry report process
  • the role of the investigator
  • underlying principles including confidentiality and procedural fairness
  • developing a scope, purpose and fact-finding plan for an inquiry
  • understanding the investigative interview process
  • collecting and analysing information and evidence
  • testing the reliability of evidence
  • making findings of fact leading to report recommendations
  • understanding the content of the investigation report.

Workshop options

This workshop is only delivered in-person as part of our Free workshops calendar for individual public officials. It is generally not available in-house.


This workshop requires a time commitment of 7.5 hours including 15-minute morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 30-minute lunch break. This workshop is normally scheduled from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.

Costs for online and in-person workshops


The ICAC provides all of its workshops to NSW public officials free-of-charge.

Travel expenses

We will cover our trainers’ travel expenses. 


Your organisation may be asked to make copies of training materials for distribution to attendees at in-person workshops.

Venue and equipment 

For in-person workshops, it is the agency’s responsibility to provide a venue and to cover the cost of any associated venue or equipment hire. The facilitator will bring a laptop, but a data projector, screen and whiteboard will need to be provided.


For in-person workshops, the agency is expected to provide basic refreshments for attendees and facilitators for all scheduled tea and lunch breaks.

Book a workshop

Individual public officials

This workshop is currently unavailable. To see what workshops are available for individual public officials, and to register, visit the Free workshops calendar and complete the registration form for each workshop you would like to attend.


To book an in-house workshop for staff at your agency, please contact [email protected] to discuss your needs.