Media alert: ICAC Operation Skyline public inquiry starts tomorrow

Monday 26 March 2018

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption’s (ICAC) Operation Skyline public inquiry will start tomorrow, Tuesday 27 March 2018, at 10:00 am.

Operation Skyline is an investigation concerning a scheme involving proposals from 2014 to 2016  for the sale and development of properties (“the Sale and Development Scheme”) owned by the land council, and related matters.

Further details about Operation Skyline are available here. A witness list for the first week of the public inquiry is attached. Please note that this list is subject to change.

Chief Commissioner the Hon Peter Hall QC will preside at the public inquiry, and Counsel Assisting the Commission will be Dr Nicholas Chen SC and Ms Juliet Curtin.

The inquiry is set down for approximately three weeks. A short media briefing will be held on the first day from 9:30 am on procedural and logistical matters.

Time:                            9:30 am – short media briefing

                                    10:00 am – inquiry commences

Date:                           Tuesday 27 March 2018

Location:                    ICAC Hearing Room
                                    Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney