Operation Keppel update - 11 January 2023

Wednesday 11 January 2023

The Hon Ruth McColl AO SC is continuing her work in relation to the Operation Keppel report. 

Substantial parts of the report have been drafted. At the same time, it must be recognised that the report concerns complex matters of law and fact, two public inquiries which proceeded over 30 days, over 2,800 pages of transcript, 516 exhibits comprising approximately 10,600 pages and 957 pages of submissions (the last of which were received on 18 October 2022). It is necessary that the issues relevant to the investigation are addressed carefully. Ms McColl is working to complete a draft of the report as soon as possible but, given these matters, it is not possible to specify a date by which it will be completed.

Given that once the report has been drafted it will need to be subjected to the Commission’s review, editing and production processes, it is now unlikely the report will be available for furnishing to the Presiding Officers in the first quarter of 2023. On the information presently available the Commission anticipates it is more likely to be available for furnishing in the second quarter of 2023.

The Commission and Ms McColl remain conscious of the obligation under section 74(7) of the ICAC Act to furnish investigation reports as soon as possible after the Commission has concluded its involvement in a matter. To this end, while the processes involved in completing the reports for operations Paragon, Tolosa and Galley have the potential to overlap with the review, editing and production processes for the Keppel report, the Commission will take all available action to ensure there is no delay to the Keppel report caused by any bottleneck that might arise.

The Commission will continue to keep the Parliamentary Committee on the ICAC and the ICAC Inspector informed on progress.

The Commission will not be making further comment at this stage.