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250 results for corruption and integrity in the nsw public sector:.
  1. MEDIA ALERT: ICAC public inquiry into allegations concerning former Ausgrid engineer starts Monday    search file icon 16 January 2015   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)'s public inquiry being held as part of its Operation Jarah investigation into allegations concerning former Ausgrid engineer Phillip Cresnar will commence next Monday, 19 January 2015, at 10:00 am. 3.5 star relevancy
  2. ICAC public inquiry into allegations concerning former Ausgrid engineer    search file icon 12 January 2015   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will hold a public inquiry commencing on Monday 19 January 2015 as part of an investigation it is conducting into allegations concerning Phillip Cresnar, a former engineer with Ausgrid. 3.5 star relevancy
  3. Operation Jarah public notice    search file icon 12 January 2015   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations that Phillip Cresnar, a former engineer with Ausgrid: solicited and received benefits from Ausgrid contractors in exchange for assistance in relation to the awarding of contracts and the approval of variations to contracts disclosed to contractors, and others, confidential information acquired in the course of his official functions. 3.5 star relevancy
  4. ICAC recommends more power for NSW Electoral Commission to strengthen election funding accountability    search file icon 17 December 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) recommends that the NSW Government makes legislative changes to increase the powers of the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) to address deficiencies in how election funding is managed in the state, despite it having some of the most restrictive election donation and expenditure rules of any democracy. 3.5 star relevancy
  5. ICAC regional corruption prevention program visits northern inland NSW    search file icon 25 November 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will visit northern inland NSW next week as part of the Commission's program to bring anti-corruption initiatives and training to regional NSW. 3.5 star relevancy
  6. MEDIA ALERT: Operation Spicer public inquiry resumes this Wednesday    search file icon 4 August 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption's (ICAC) Operation Spicer public inquiry will resume this Wednesday 6 August 2014 at 10.00 am. 3.5 star relevancy
  7. Operation Spicer public inquiry resumes Wednesday 6 August 2014    search file icon 28 July 2014   This segment of the public inquiry will focus on corruption allegations involving the circumstances in which the 2011 state election campaign for the seat of Newcastle was funded by the Liberal Party, and whether funds were solicited and received from prohibited donors, including Buildev Pty Ltd, Nathan Tinkler, Jeff McCloy, Hilton Grugeon and other persons and companies associated with them. 3.5 star relevancy
  8. Operation Spicer amended public notice    search file icon 28 July 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations of corrupt conduct involving: 3.5 star relevancy
  9. ICAC's Corruption Matters goes electronic    search file icon 25 June 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption's (ICAC) biannual stakeholder newsletter, Corruption Matters, has entered a new era with the first electronic edition launched today (25 June). 3.5 star relevancy
  10. ICAC regional corruption prevention program to visit central western NSW    search file icon 11 June 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will visit the central west next week as part of the Commission's outreach program to bring anti-corruption initiatives and training to regional NSW. 3.5 star relevancy
  11. MEDIA ALERT: Public inquiry into allegations concerning soliciting, receiving and concealing payments (Operation Spicer) starts Monday    search file icon 24 April 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)'s public inquiry into allegations that certain members of parliament and others corruptly solicited, received and concealed payments from various sources in return for certain members of parliament and others favouring the interests of those responsible for the payments (Operation Spicer) will commence next Monday 28 April 2014 at 11:00 am. 3.5 star relevancy
  12. ICAC regional corruption prevention program to visit mid-north coast    search file icon 3 March 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will visit the mid-north coast next week as part of the Commission's outreach program to bring anti-corruption initiatives and training to regional NSW. 3.5 star relevancy
  13. Operation Spicer public notice    search file icon 18 February 2014   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations of corrupt conduct involving: 3.5 star relevancy
  14. ICAC identifies ways to minimise corruption in IT contracts    search file icon 21 August 2013   The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has identified five key levers that need to be managed in order for government agencies to minimise the corruption risks involved in managing information technology (IT) contractors. 3.5 star relevancy
  15. ICAC regional corruption prevention program to visit Riverina and Murray    search file icon 21 November 2012   The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) will visit the Riverina and Murray this month as part of the Commission's outreach program to bring anti-corruption initiatives and training to regional NSW. 3.5 star relevancy