corruption matters issue 58

In other news

The ICAC hosted over 100 free workshops in 2020–21. There are several online workshops still on offer for the remainder of 2021, and now is the time to plan ahead with dates released for 2022.

icac online courses

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Corruption prevention for managers

What is corruption? How and why does it happen? What can I do about it? Practical workshops that help managers answer these questions and take steps to prevent, detect and respond to corruption.
Register now for 30/11/2021, 22/03/2022 or 05/05/2022


Corruption prevention in procurement and contract management

Workshops designed to assist staff with procurement duties, contract management roles or responsibility for overseeing these functions to understand the probity requirements and corruption opportunities associated with procurement.
Register now for 01/12/2021, 24/03/2022, 03/05/2022 or 12/05/2022


Corruption prevention for planning professionals

This awareness-raising workshop is specifically designed for town planners and related public officials working within the NSW planning system. It helps these professionals understand what constitutes corrupt conduct and where opportunities for corruption are likely to be hidden.
Register now for 09/03/2022 or 17/05/2022


Getting the most out of your corruption prevention training program

This workshop draws on the ICAC’s experience over many years in providing corruption prevention training across the NSW public sector. In this interactive session you will learn from published better practice, and the experience of session participants, to determine how an agency might approach in-house corruption prevention training and achieve maximum benefit.
Register now for 14/12/2021, 31/03/2022 or 19/05/2022


Strategic approaches to corruption prevention

A workshop specifically designed for senior executives and senior managers who have operational responsibility for work areas with significant risk for corruption and the ability to make or influence significant change.
Register now for 29/03/2022 or 10/05/2022

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