MEDIA ALERT: Public inquiry into allegations concerning political donations starts Monday

Friday 23 August 2019

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption’s (ICAC) public inquiry into allegations concerning political donations, the NSW Branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), members of Chinese Friends of Labor and others will start next Monday, 26 August 2019 at 10:00 am.

The Commission is investigating whether, from January 2015, ALP NSW Branch officials, members of Chinese Friends of Labor, political donors and others have entered into, or carried out, a scheme to circumvent prohibitions or requirements under Part 6 of the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 relating to political donations.

The general scope and purpose of the public inquiry is to gather evidence relevant to the allegation being investigated under section 13A of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. This section addresses the ICAC’s function of investigating matters referred to it by the NSW Electoral Commission.

Chief Commissioner the Hon Peter Hall QC will preside at the public inquiry, and Counsel Assisting the Commission will be Mr Scott Robertson.

The inquiry is set down for approximately six weeks. A short media briefing will be held on the first day from 9:30 am on procedural and logistical matters.

The Commission does not intend to live stream this public inquiry, however, daily transcripts will be made available on the ICAC website.

A witness list for the first week is attached. Please note that witness lists are subject to change.

Time:                                 9:30 am – short media briefing

                                          10:00 am – inquiry commences

Date:                                  Monday 26 August 2019

Location:                           ICAC Hearing Room

                                           Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney




Week beginning Monday 26 August 2019

Please note that this list is subject to change.

Monday 26 August

Kenrick Cheah

Tuesday 27 August

Kenrick Cheah

Wednesday 28 August

Steve Tong

Kaila Murnain

Thursday 29 August

Kaila Murnain

Friday 30 August

Ernest Wong