MEDIA ALERT: ICAC Operation Skyline public inquiry directions hearing 29 April 2019

Friday 26 April 2019

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)will hold a short directions hearing in relation to the further progress of theOperation Skyline investigation on Monday 29 April 2019 at 1:30 pm.

Operation Skyline involves allegations concerning theAwabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council and a scheme involving proposals from2014 to 2016  for the sale and development of properties (“the Sale andDevelopment Scheme”), owned by the land council, and related matters.

Further details about Operation Skyline are available here.Transcripts and exhibits are available from the ICAC website.

ICAC Chief Commissioner the Hon Peter Hall QC will presideat the directions hearing. Counsel Assisting the Commission are Dr NicholasChen SC and Ms Juliet Curtin.

Time:                              1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Date:                             Monday 29 April 2019

Location:                        ICAC Hearing Room

                                        Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney

Media contact: ICAC Manager Communications & Media,Nicole Thomas, 02 8281 5799 / 0417 467 801, email [email protected]