ICAC statement regarding the Hon Virginia Judge MP

Wednesday 25 February 2009

On Monday 23 February 2009 the Commission received the following letter from The Hon Virginia Judge MP:

"Dear Commissioner,

"I have today received a media enquiry concerning a matter involving leased premises for the NSW Police Force in Strathfield, in my electorate.

"While I reject completely any suggestion that I have not acted appropriately in regard to this matter, I would be pleased to assist you or your officers should you wish to examine it further.

"Yours sincerely

"Virgina Judge, MP


The letter is not a complaint to the Commission. Nor does it purport to be a report from a relevant officer of a reasonable suspicion of corruption.

Ordinarily the ICAC does not make communications it receives available to the public.

However, in the present circumstances, the Commission makes the following statement:

"It is a matter for Parliament what issues it wishes to debate. However, the Commission is not asking the Parliament to restrict debate on any matter, including political donations, by reason of Ms Judge's communication to the Commission."