Operation Verdi public notice
Monday 7 July 2014
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating whether
John Cassidy, a former Chancellor of the University of New England (UNE):
- provided confidential and/or sensitive information that he acquired in the
course of his official functions, in connection with the sale of the Tattersalls
Hotel, to his business associate, Darrell Hendry, or otherwise made use of the
information, for the benefit of himself and Darrell Hendry
- failed to disclose to the UNE Council or any committee thereof, as soon as
possible after the relevant facts became known to him (sometime in November
2005), that Darrell Hendry, a fellow director and shareholder of Vercot Pty Ltd,
was proposing to lodge a tender for the Tattersalls Hotel and/or had lodged a
tender for the Tattersalls Hotel
- failed to disclose to the UNE Council or any committee thereof, as soon as
possible after the relevant facts became known to him (at a time before 5
February 2006), that he or any entities associated with him intended to acquire
an interest in the Tattersalls Hotel with Darrell Hendry or any entities
associated with Darrell Hendry
- misled the chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee of the UNE Council by
letter dated 5 February 2006, in stating that:
- on learning that Darrell Hendry had submitted a tender to purchase the
hotel, he advised Services UNE Ltd's solicitors of a potential conflict as
Darrell Hendry was well known to him
- in January 2006, Darrell Hendry proposed that he invest in the hotel
- his decision to invest in Tattersalls Hotel was taken on 19 January 2006,
following an inspection of the premises.
The Commission is also investigating the circumstances surrounding a decision
by John Cassidy to chair the meeting of the Audit and Compliance Committee of
the UNE Council held on 10 February 2006 at which his letter of 5 February 2006
was tabled.
As part of its investigation, the ICAC will hold a public inquiry starting at
10:00 am on Monday 21 July 2014 at Level 7, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.
Persons claiming to be substantially and directly interested in this matter
may seek leave to be represented at the inquiry, and are invited to contact Ms
Vivienne Pastor on (02) 8281-5999 to advise of their interest.
Members of the public with information relevant to the investigation are
encouraged to provide it in writing at GPO Box 500, Sydney, NSW 2001, or by
facsimile (02) 9264-5364. The ICAC will treat all information confidentially and
has legislative powers to protect people who provide information to the
Patrick Broad
A/Solicitor to the Commission