Operation Tunic public notice
Thursday 19 March 2015
The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations concerning former Mine Subsidence Board (MSB) Picton office district manager, Darren Bullock.
The Commission is investigating allegations that Mr Bullock received, or may have received, corrupt payments or other benefits as an inducement or reward for showing favourable treatment to building contractor Kevin Inskip of Plantac Pty Ltd.
The ICAC is also investigating allegations that Mr Bullock revealed confidential MSB tender information to Plantac Pty Ltd, and breached MSB financial delegations, policies and/or procedures relating to the awarding of contracts and the making of payments to that company.
It is also examining allegations that Mr Bullock received, or may have received, corrupt payments or other benefits as an inducement or reward for showing favourable treatment to William Kendall of Willbuilt Homes Pty Ltd.
Further, the inquiry will examine whether the systems, policies and procedures of the MSB were, and are, adequate to prevent or minimise corrupt behaviour of the kind referred to in the allegations described above, or should be changed to reduce the likelihood of corrupt conduct occurring in the future.
As part of its investigation, the ICAC will hold a public inquiry starting at 10:00 am on Monday 30 March 2015 at Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney.
Persons claiming to be substantially and directly interested in this matter may seek leave to be represented at the inquiry, and are invited to contact Ms Catherine Colquhoun on (02) 8281-5999 to advise of their interest.
Members of the public with information relevant to the investigation are encouraged to provide it in writing at GPO Box 500, Sydney, NSW 2001, or by facsimile (02) 9264-5364. The ICAC will treat all information confidentially and has legislative powers to protect people who provide information to the Commission.
Roy Waldon
Solicitor to the Commission