Operation Elgar public notice

Wednesday 28 October 2015

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is investigating allegations concerning Jason Meeth, a public official employed as the Head of Projects, ICT, at the University of Sydney.

It is alleged that, between February 2012 and July 2013, Mr Meeth corruptly exercised his official functions for the benefit of IT consulting service Canberra Solutions Pty Ltd.

It is alleged that Mr Meeth acted partially and dishonestly by engaging certain ICT contractors through Canberra Solutions, although this company was not a NSW Government-accredited C100 company as required under the university's directions for the recruitment of ICT contractors.

As part of its investigation, the ICAC will hold a public inquiry starting at 10:00 am on Monday 9 November 2015 at Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney.

Persons claiming to be substantially and directly interested in this matter may seek leave to be represented at the inquiry, and are invited to contact Mr Daniel Bartlett on (02) 8281-5999 to advise of their interest.

Members of the public with information relevant to the investigation are encouraged to provide it in writing at GPO Box 500, Sydney, NSW 2001, or by facsimile (02) 9264-5364. The ICAC will treat all information confidentially and has legislative powers to protect people who provide information to the Commission.

Roy Waldon
Solicitor to the Commission