Canterbury-Bankstown Council – allegations concerning conduct of former employee, contractor and others (Operation Mantis)

Year: 2024 Status: Completed


The ICAC investigated allegations concerning the conduct of a former employee and a contractor of Canterbury-Bankstown Council (Council), and others, including whether: 

  1. between May 2020 and December 2022, former Council contractor Pietro Cossu and/or former Council employee Benjamin Webb partially or dishonestly exercised their official functions by using, and/or attempting to use, PMLV Invest & Const Pty Ltd (“PMLV”) to undertake recruitment subcontractor services through council recruitment contractors in circumstances where Mr Cossu, and/or Mr Webb, failed to disclose their pecuniary interest in PMLV, and/or pecuniary benefits that they anticipated receiving in connection with the use of PMLV

  2. between July 2020 and December 2022, Mr Cossu and/or Mr Webb partially or dishonestly exercised their official functions to favour General Works & Construction Pty Ltd (“GWAC”), by attempting to influence the award of council contract/s to GWAC, and/or using, or attempting to use, PMLV to subcontract GWAC council contracts to benefit themselves and/or others.

Investigation findings and recommendations

In its report on the investigation, made public on 5 December 2024, the ICAC makes corrupt conduct findings against Mr Webb, Mr Cossu and Jeremy Clarke.

The ICAC is of the opinion that the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions should be obtained with respect to the prosecution of Mr Webb, Mr Cossu and Mr Clarke for various offences.

The ICAC has made 19 recommendations to help Council prevent the conduct identified in the investigation from recurring.

Resources from the public inquiry

View the Operation Mantis submissions timetable

Download the Witness Liaison Officer brochure (pdf)

Download the Operation Mantis media guidelines (pdf)

Findings of corrupt conduct

The ICAC has found that Benjamin Webb engaged in corrupt conduct by, between 1 January 2021 and 9 December 2022:

  • misusing his public official functions as Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s (Council) manager of works and projects to facilitate the engagement of contingent workers through PMLV Invest and Const Pty Ltd (PMLV), a company run by his friend, Mr Cossu, by approving their engagement and/or determining to add more workers to Council’s Works and Projects Unit, in return for which he received approximately $208,000 during the period that he worked at Council
  • in breach of the Council Code of Conduct, submitting false or misleading written returns of interest in which he failed to disclose: the receipt of benefits from Mr Cossu and PMLV; his bankruptcy status and associated debts; the receipt of a gift or benefit under clause 6 of the Code of Conduct.

    The ICAC has found that Pietro Cossu engaged in corrupt conduct by:

  • between about 1 January 2021 and 20 December 2022, by arrangement with Mr Webb, supplying contingent workers to Council through his company PMLV, in return for which Mr Webb misused his public official functions as Council’s manager of works and projects to engage and retain PMLV candidates at Council. Mr Cossu gave Mr Webb approximately $208,000
  • between mid-2020 and late 2022, misusing his public official functions by assisting Mr Clarke and his company, General Works and Construction Pty Ltd (GWAC), to win Council projects and maximise his financial gain from the projects (including through variations), by utilising the information and opportunities available to Mr Cossu through his position at Council. Mr Cossu did so for the purpose of improperly benefitting himself and his company, PMLV, which received over $2 million from GWAC.

The ICAC has found that Jeremy Clarke engaged in corrupt conduct by:

  • between mid-2020 and late 2022, rewarding Mr Cossu for assisting Mr Clarke and his company, GWAC, to win Council projects and maximise GWAC’s financial gain from the projects (including through variations). Mr Cossu did so by utilising the information and opportunities available to him through his position at Council. In return, Mr Clarke paid Mr Cossu’s company, PMLV, over $2 million.


Recommendations for prosecutions

The Commission must seek the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on whether any prosecution should be commenced. The DPP determines whether any criminal charges can be laid, and conducts all prosecutions. The Commission provides information on this website in relation to the status of prosecution recommendations and outcomes as advised by the DPP. The progress of matters is generally within the hands of the DPP. Accordingly, the Commission does not directly notify persons affected of advice received from the DPP or the progress of their matters generally.

The Commission is of the opinion that consideration should be given to obtaining the advice of the DPP with respect to the prosecution of:

  • Benjamin Webb for corruptly receiving financial benefits from Pietro Cossu or his company, PMLV Invest and Const Pty Ltd (PMLV), in relation to Council engaging PMLV candidates contrary to section 249B(1) of the Crimes Act 1900.
  • Pietro Cossu for corruptly giving financial benefits to Mr Webb, an agent of Council, in relation to Council engaging PMLV candidates contrary to section 249B(2) of the Crimes Act; and corruptly receiving financial benefits from Jeremy Clarke or his company, General Works and Construction Pty Ltd (GWAC), contrary to section 249B(1) of the Crimes Act.
  • Jeremy Clarke for corruptly giving financial benefits to Mr Cossu, an agent of Council, in relation to GWAC being awarded projects at Council, contrary to section 249(B)(2) of the Crimes Act.


Recommendations for disciplinary action

As neither Benjamin Webb nor Pietro Cossu are currently employed by or contracted to Canterbury-Bankstown Council, the question of whether consideration should be given to the taking of action against them for a disciplinary offence, or the taking of action with a view to their dismissal, does not arise.


Recommendations for corruption prevention

The ICAC has made 19 recommendations to help Canterbury-Bankstown Council prevent the conduct identified in the investigation from recurring. Download the recommendations here

Media Releases
Witness Transcripts

View all public inquiry transcripts associated with this investigation. The Commission will endeavour to make transcripts available as soon as practicable. It cannot advise specific times for when transcripts will be published, due to factors including checking procedures to ensure compliance with any non-publication orders made under the ICAC Act. Users are also reminded that they may follow the proceedings in real time if a public inquiry is being live streamed.



Filename Date pp. Time
20-06-2024 transcript 20/06/24 01071-01149 2.00pm to 4.20pm
20-06-2024 transcript 20/06/24 01007-01070 10.00am to 1.06pm
19-06-2024 transcript 19/06/24 00961-01006 2.00pm to 4.01pm
19-06-2024 transcript 19/06/24 00902-00960 10.00 to 1.06pm
18-06-2024 transcript 18/06/24 00844-00901 2.00pm to 4.05pm
18-06-2024 transcript 18/06/24 00776-00843 10.00am to 1.04pm
17-06-2024 transcript 17/06/24 00734-00775 2.00pm to 3.57pm
17-06-2024 transcript 17/06/24 00673-00733 10.00am to 1.07pm
14-06-2024 transcript 14/06/24 00603-00672 1.00pm to 4.14pm
14-06-2024 transcript 14/06/24 00583-00602 10.00am to 12.11pm
12-06-2024 transcript 12/06/24 00537-00582 2.00pm to 4.03pm
12-06-2024 transcript 12/06/24 00472-00536 10.00am to 1.01pm
11-06-2024 transcript 11/06/24 00410-00471 2.00pm to 4.34pm
11-06-2024 transcript 11/06/24 00357-00409 10.00am to 1.04pm
06-06-2024 transcript 06/06/24 00284-00356 10.00am to 12.56pm
05-06-2024 transcript 05/06/24 00233-00283 10.00am to 12.30pm
04-06-2024 transcript 04/06/24 00173-00232 2.00pm to 4.10pm
04-06-2024 transcript 04/06/24 00106-00172 10.00am to 1.00pm
03-06-2024 transcript 03/06/24 00072-00105 2.00pm to 3.34pm
03-06-2024 transcript 03/06/24 00001-00071 10.00am to 1.04pm
Public notices