
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was established by the NSW Government in 1988 in response to growing community concern about the integrity of public administration in NSW. 

The ICAC's principal functions are set out in the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988. In summary, they are: 

  •         to investigate and expose corrupt conduct in the NSW public sector
  •         to actively prevent corruption through advice and assistance, and 
  •         to educate the NSW community and public sector about corruption and its effects.

The jurisdiction of the ICAC extends to all NSW public sector agencies (with some exceptions noted below), their employees and contract staff in government departments and state-owned corporations, local councils, members of Parliament, ministers, the judiciary and the governor. The ICAC's jurisdiction also extends to those performing public official functions.

The ICAC’s jurisdiction does not extend to officers of the NSW Police Force or the NSW Crime Commission, or the administrative employees of those agencies. The ICAC may, however, investigate corrupt conduct involving members of the NSW Police Force and NSW Crime Commission provided the matter involves other NSW public officials.