Print page All NSW ICAC publications Witness Liaison Officer - Vietnamese - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Persian - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Korean - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Hindi - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Filipino - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Traditional Chinese - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Simplified Chinese - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Dari - Sep24 Witness Liaison Officer - Arabic When do relationships amount to a conflict of interest? Chief Commissioner speech - APSACC 2024 Guidance for councillors on corruption risks associated with overseas travel Common forms of corrupt conduct - risks faced by NSW public sector agencies (June 2024) Witness Liaison Officer - June 2024.pdf Annotated Code of Conduct for Members a guide for members of NSW Parliament (January 2024) Managing conflicts of duties in the NSW public sector (January 2024) Fraud and corruption control evaluating compliance and its drivers (November 2023) ICAC Annual Report 2022-23 Corruption risks associated with supplier panels (October 2023) Mature corruption control: the key outcomes of better practice (March 2023) Assessing Corruption Control Maturity ICAC Strategic Plan 2022-25: Our directions ICAC Strategic Plan 2022-25 Information for witnesses Managing Conflicts of Interest - a Tip Sheet for Local Aboriginal Land Councils - Dec22 Managing corruption risks in regulatory work (November 2022) Integrity issues relating to the state election letter - November 2022 Probity aspects of ethics walls: guidance for dealing with commercial activities and other complex scenarios (October 2022) NSW ICAC submission to the Parliament of Victoria Integrity and Oversight Committee ICAC Award 2022 Factfinder: a guide to conducting internal investigations - standard Factfinder: a guide to conducting internal investigations Section 11 Tip Sheet principal for officers Section 11 report guidelines for principal officers Section 11 reporting guidelines for ministers Obtaining independent advice - dos and donts Dealing with incumbent providers in procurement ICAC Annual Report 2020-21 Probity in Procurement - tips from a professional ICAC Information Guide Sample fraud and corruption control policy Fraud and Corruption Control Policy guidance NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Special Report No. 2 - A parliamentary solution to a funding model for the ICAC (November 2020 - Section 75 report) ICAC Annual Report 2019-20 Legal Representatives Parking Expenses Claim Form Dealing with Corruption, Fraud and the ICAC: the role of public sector Audit and Risk Committees Supplier Due Diligence a guide for NSW public sector agencies (June2020) NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Special Report - The need for a new independent funding model for the ICAC (May 2020 - Section 75 report) NSW ICAC COVID19 Advice Sample conflict of interest policy for NSW public sector agencies ICAC Annual Report 2018-19 NSW ICAC Statement of Business Ethics Fact sheet - Explaining the ICAC's decision ANZSOG Executive Endorsement form 2019 ICAC Scholarship and Course participant application form May 2019 Managing conflicts of interest in the nsw public sector April 2019 ICAC Cooperation Policy Corruption-matters-42_November-2013 Corruption-Matters-31_May-2008 Corruption and integrity in the NSW public sector - an assessment of current trends and events Annual Report 2017-2018 Direct negotiations - guidelines for managing risks in direct negotiations Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC English Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Vietnamese Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Urdu Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Russian Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Persian Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Nepali Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Korean Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Indonesian Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Dari Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Chinese Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Bengali Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Assyrian Reporting corruption to the NSW ICAC Arabic Introducing the ICAC - Assyrian Standard ICAC directions for public inquiries Section 31B guidelines Strategic responses to corruption 11-14 September 2018 Strengthening employment screening practices in the NSW public sector Annual Report 2016-2017 Governance and Regulation in the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Network Keeping it together - systems and structures in organisational change Controlling corruption opportunities in the provision of maintenance services Annual Report 2015 -2016 Community Attitudes Survey - Report on the 2015 survey Introducing the ICAC Arabic Introducing the ICAC Bengali Introducing the ICAC Chinese Introducing the ICAC Dari Introducing the ICAC Indonesian Introducing the ICAC Korean Introducing the ICAC Nepali Introducing the ICAC Persian Introducing the ICAC Russian Introducing the ICAC Urdu Introducing the ICAC Vietnamese Submission to the Premier May 2016.pdf Fact sheet Acknowledging your section 11 report Section 54 report guidelines Fact sheet Acknowledging your information Fact sheet Blowing the whistle Introducing the ICAC English Introducing the NSW ICAC - A guide for NSW public officials Providing advice on corruption issues A guide for community leaders (November 2015) Annual report 2014-2015 Learning the hard way - managing corruption risks associated with international students Election Funding Expenditure and disclosure in NSW - Strengthening accountability and transparency Safeguarding public money The importance of controlling invoice payments Annual Report 2013-2014 Section 11 reporting template Corruption Matters - Issue 42 - November 2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 Managing IT contractors, improving IT outcomes Community Attitudes Survey - Report on 2012 survey Privacy Management Plan.pdf Funding NGO delivery of human services in NSW - A period of transition - position paper Corruption Matters - Issue 40 - November 2012 Annual Report 2011-2012 Funding NGO delivery of human services in NSW - A period of transition - consultation paper Corruption Matters - Issue 39 - May 2012 Anti-corruption safeguards and the NSW planning system Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - The management challenge LALC Member Governance Flyer - Help make your LALC strong Corruption Matters - Issue 38 Annual Report 2010-2011 Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - Recommendations to government Corruption risks in NSW Government procurement - Suppliers perception of corruption Corruption Matters - Issue 37 The exercise of discretion under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Corruption Matters - Issue 36 Annual Report 2009-2010 Communicating anti-corruption messages in community languages - Guidelines for NSW local councils Lobbying in NSW - an issues paper on the nature and management of lobbying in NSW Profiling the NSW public sector - Report 3 Corruption Matters - Issue 35 Development assessment internal audit tool Minimising corruption risks in land dealings - Guide for Local Aboriginal Land Councils Annual Report 2008-2009 Corruption Matters - Issue 34 Profiling the NSW public sector II - Report 2 Comparison of 2001 and 2007 organisation Profiling the NSW public sector 2007 - functions, risks and corruption prevention strategics Profiling the NSW public sector 2007 - Understanding and managing corruption risks - Staff survey Profiling the NSW public sector II - Report 1 - Results for the NSW public sector as a whole Corruption Matters - Issue 33 Corruption Matters - Issue 32 Annual Report 2007-2008 Corruption Matters - Issue 31 Use and misuse of public sector resources - Tip sheet for employees Use and misuse of public sector resources - Tip sheet for managers Corruption Matters - Issue 30 Annual Report 2006-2007 Corruption risks in NSW development approval processes - Position paper Corruption Matters - Issue 29 Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC Report on the 2006 survey Corruption Matters - Issue 28 Annual Report 2005-2006 Lobbying local government councillors Sponsorship in the public sector Corruption Matters - Issue 27 Corruption Matters - Issue 26 Annual Report 2004-2005 Profiling the NSW public sector - functions, risks and corruption resistance strategies Corruption Matters - Issue 25 Corruption Matters - Issue 24 Annual Report 2003-2004 Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC Corruption Matters - Issue 23 Annual Report 2002-2003 Corruption Matters - Issue 22 Profiling the NSW public sector - functions, risks and corruption resistance strategies Annual Report 2001-2002 Corruption Matters - Issue 21 Corruption Matters - Issue 20 Annual Report 2000-2001 Unravelling Corruption II Exploring changes in the Public Sector Perspective 1993-1999 Annual Report 1999-2000 Annual Report 1998-1999 Annual Report 1997-1998 Annual Report 1996-1997 Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1996 Annual Report 1995-1996 Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1995 Annual Report 1994-1995 Community attitudes to corruption and the ICAC 1994 Annual Report 1993-1994 Monitoring cash handling in public hospitals Community attitudes to Corruption and the ICAC public attitudes survey 1993 Annual Report 1992-1993 Annual Report 1991-1992 Annual Report 1990-1991 Annual Report 1989-1990 Annual Report 1988-1989